Trasa Pamięci / Route of Remembrance


Around the Brzeszcze bituminous coalmine

PCK workers in Brzeszcze at the entrance to the hospital building (currently used for social housing). In the foreground from the left: Jan Drzewiecki, Wanda Ślusarczyk, Julia Kubica, Dr Józef Sierankiewicz, Marcela Szczotka, Ernest Friebe and Jerzy Iwiński. In the background a patient called Matyszkiewicz. Picture taken in 1945

Maria Bobrzecka, the owner of a pharmacy in Brzeszcze who during the occupation provided KL Auschwitz inmates with medicines. Pre-war photograph

Jan Nosal, Polish parliamentarian for the PPS (1928-1930), one of the organisers of the resistance movement in Brzeszcze, arrested for helping prisoners and put in KL Auschwitz, where he died. Pre-war photograph

Brzeszcze, Przemysłowa Street. The Andreas power station as it appears today, originally built by the prisoners of the Jawischowitz sub-camp

Brzeszcze, Kościuszki Street. Buildings which from the end of January to the end of April 1945 housed the Polish Red Cross hospital

Brzeszcze, park in Kościuszki Street. Monument in honour of the those who died in the struggle against fascism, unveiled in 1967

Brzeszcze, park in Kościuszki Street. Plaque on monument in honour of the those who died in the struggle against fascism

Brzeszcze, park in Kościuszki Street. Plaque for the Unknown Soldier, unveiled in 1989

Brzeszcze, Ofiar Oświęcimia Street. Building of so-called villa, including the small museum

Brzeszcze, Ofiar Oświęcimia Street. The building of the pharmacy that belonged to Maria Bobrzecka

Brzeszcze. Commemorative plaque at pharmacy entrance, unveiled in 1967

Brzeszcze, Nosala Street. Clinic building. In April 1940 a group of Brzeszcze inhabitants were taken from this building to various concentration camps as part of a policy of repressions against the Polish intelligentsia

View of Brzeszcze coalmine. Aerial photograph taken in the 1920s. Brzeszcze Coalmine Archive

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
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